sobota, 6 października 2012

Outerra Video Converter GUI 0.2.0 tutorial (how-to-use)

1.       Go to: and download ( ).
2.       Go for example on my blog: and download Outerra Video Converter GUI 0.2.0 (or later version).
3.       Now you should have and OuterraVideoConvGUI_0_2_0.rar (or later version). Unpack these files.
4.       After unpacking you will have 2 folders.
Now copy files from folder OuteraVideoConvGUI_by_lookastdu - 0.2.0 to folder video (or vice versa, it is important that they must be in copied into one folder).

5.       Now your folder should look like this:
Installation is done, now time for a quick how-to-use tutorial.

1.       Run Outerra Video Converter GUI.exe
2.       Now you have main window of app. Short overview of buttons:
Add files - add captured .yog files to 'files to convert' list; search your captured .yog files in X:\your_instalation_folder\Outerra\Anteworld\videos

Properties - in future clicking this button will open window with settings of selected file from the list Delete selected - delete selected files from 'files to convert' list
Run selected - run conversion of selected files from 'files to convert' list
Run all - run all files from the list, ignoring selection of them; however, files already converted (with green background on the list) will be not converted again
About - some informations about this app
3.       During conversion you should see new window with information of actually converted file:
When conversion of file is completed this window should disappear. (Abort button is not working yet, sorry)
4.       Converted file should have green background on the list, like here:
You can find converted .avi files in X:\your_instalation_folder\Outerra\Anteworld\videos

Ok, I think that's enough to understand my app. ;)

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